Albertson's is starting another good sale tomorrow and through next week. Campbell's soup is a great price! Here is the shopping list from PYP with all the details. Last year on this sale I totally stocked up and I just ran out! So perfect timing for me. :) (I just wish the prices were as good as last years...but with prices always rising on everything it is impossible...oh well).
Like I mentioned last week, the list details the sale price on each item, the coupon that matches up, where to find the coupon, and what your final price will be. Scroll down a few posts and you will find the list for the Albertson's sale going on right now...but it ends tonight if you want to get in on it!
Here is Idaho's shopping list. Utah's is the link above, and their sale is different from ours.

Hi Marne...The dimensions for the triangles on the banner I made for my little guys' birthday were 4 3/4" long by 3 1/2" wide. Hope this helps!
Thanks Wendy! I can't wait to make one. :) I love yours. I appreciate your help!
YEAH! I LOVE Campbells Soup. I am out of Cream of Chicken Soup. Have you ever looked at the Grocery Smarts website? They are a lot like pinching your pennies, but they have coupons on the site. Just wondering,
I have looked at their site before. They have lots of great coupons on there that I use all the time. I like PYP myself because of all the forums on there with discussion, tips, and info. Plus I like how they do the printable shopping lists and match up all the coupons. They also do that for Target, Walgreens, and Rite Aid every week! Every other website that offers these services charge money....but PYP is free! PYP also has links to printable coupons as well. But the more the merrier!
Thanks for your input! Have a good night!
I am so excited. I about jumped out of my chair when I opened up my Albertsons ad. Woo hoo. Now we just need a Paul's case lot sale and we're set...
Marne- FYI I went to Albertson's this morning to stock up on my Campbell's soup and cereal only to find out no cereal sale for Idaho albertson's. I assumed Utah and Idaho had the same ad. apparently they don't. I talked with the store director and he was very kind BUT no MOM sale. bummer- maybe next week.
That's right Ami. I should have clarified that...sorry. The Malt O Meal sale is in Utah only.
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